Director of The Sight Ministry located in Nashville, TN; helping individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction issues find Christ-like love and compassion without compromising biblical truth. For more information call 615-509-0782 or email: mail to The Sight Ministry, PO Box 140808, Nashville, TN 37214.
Widower -- Sandra Wiggins Holloman of Bolivar, TN
One son -- Christopher SHAD who is married to Tami Worley Holloman.
One grandson -- Christopher Shad Holloman, Jr.
Southern Seminary MDiv. '06, Louisville, KY
Union University, '72 Jackson, TN
Central High School '68, Evansville, IN
Serving as a Service Mission Corp Missionary with the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Serving on the Southern Baptist Convention Taskforce on Homosexuality